The Beauty of the Mysore Style Practice Method
The Beauty and benefits of the Ashtanga Yoga Mysore style practice are aplenty!
I was essentially thrown in the deep end with my first Mysore-style yoga class.
I had only been to 2-3 Ashtanga yoga led classes and my teacher at the time encouraged me to attend, telling me I would love it… Whilst I loved it afterwards, during class I felt super awkward and uncomfortable because I didn’t know what the hell I was doing. I had to keep stopping in my practise to ask my teacher what was next. I now know that this is completely normal and the way Ashtanga yoga is traditionally taught, however at the time it really triggered my aversion to depending on other people and my need to be proficient at something immediately. Needless to say, I have learnt a lot about the way I do my life since then. I am much better at leaning in to support now and I’m much kinder to myself when I don’t have a clue what I’m doing. Up until that point, I would have avoided doing something that I wasn’t naturally good at… I still have these tendencies, but I’ve learnt to get more comfortable with being uncomfortable and I’ve turned down the volume on the default self-talk.
Ashtanga yoga is traditionally taught in the “Mysore” style and is where you have the opportunity to learn the most about yourself, your body, your mind and the practice as a whole. The name Mysore derives from the city in India where Sri K. Pattabhi Jois lived and studied and today, and where R. Sharath Jois continues to teach the Ashtanga yoga method and hold the lineage. The Mysore class is a supervised self-practice class where postures are introduced and taught, one at a time so the student can easily remember the sequence and build strength and flexibility at their own pace with the support of the teacher to guide and adjust them.
I have put together a list of a few of my favourite benefits you get from the Mysore-style practice here;
The Mysore class is a very empowering form of practice, using your own breath to guide you through the sequence. You build more confidence, awareness and trust within your body which begins to manifest in all areas of your life off the mat.
A set sequence of postures – there are so many benefits to this alone – check out my blog on Ashtanga Yoga – A Set Sequence of Postures? Doesn’t it get boring?
YOUR breath guides you – this might seem elementary BUT this is huge. In a society where we have so many experts tell us how we should be living our lives, using our breath to move us through our yoga practice will change your life! In a led class, you move and breathe when your teacher tells you to – in a Mysore class, you tune in to how you are feeling that day, and you move with your breath – exactly as you are, in that moment. It’s the best ever!! This can have some massive shifts for us off the mat, where we start to tune in to our own breath before we make decisions or respond to people in our lives. I’m not saying you will become a Saint or anything – because it’s nice knowing we are all human too but you will become more aware of what your body is telling you.
It’s an individual practice which is very easy to modify for injury, fatigue, pregnancy or any type of physical or mental experience we are having. The Mysore style practice is a lifelong practise and is for everybody.
A Mysore style class allows the teacher to provide you with individual attention and guidance so you will find this practice will meet you wherever you are in your body or mind.
There is an international community that you can tap in to when you travel and make lifelong friends.
You will be taught by experienced teachers who have been immersed in the practice for a solid amount of time. A Mysore-style teacher will be constantly completing their own self-study, will have their own regular practise and they will also have a teacher who supports them in their practice and their teaching. Super important.
You build strength and flexibility as your body is ready. Each posture generally builds on the previous posture which allows you to build endurance, increase strength and flexibility organically.
To ease you in to the Mysore style practise, I developed a 4 Week Introduction Course so you feel confident to attend a Mysore class if you have been feel a little apprehensive. Check out the website for the next course dates