Shala etiquette
Get the most out of your time with us
Village Yoga Life is a safe and supportive space where we encourage you to immerse yourself in your practice with awareness, a curious mind and a
sense of humour. To support and foster this type of environment,
please be mindful of the following;
Bookings before class are essential as the Shala has limited space to maintain social distancing.
Do not attend class if you have any cold or flu-like symptoms
Please remove any footwear before entering the Shala.
Please respect the student/teacher relationship and the space where you are practising.
Remember to let your teacher know if you have any injuries or ailments so they can support you in your practice.
Respect your body and what it is communicating to you each day. Our bodies are very intelligent and each day is different in terms of what we can do or how we feel.
Come to class with an open mind and sense of humour.
Please respect Shala open times and finish your practice on time.
Mobile phones are to be placed on silent and left in your bags.
Please limit what you bring to the mat area to ensure the teacher and other students can walk around the space safely.
Please be respectful of other students practicing by;
using a soft voice while in the Shala,
refrain from interacting with other students during practice so they can focus on their practice,
not staring at other students while they are practising. The teacher will support you if you are unsure of the next posture, and
refraining from walking on other people’s mats.
Please roll out your mats gently so they don’t flick on the floor
It is best to refrain from eating at least two hours before practice and ensure you are hydrated.
It is recommended that you shower before class as part of respecting the other students and teacher and please do not use any strong-smelling perfumes/deodorants prior to class.