Biannka Branngian
SYC Authorised level 1
FOunder | principal teacher | Gestalt PsychotherapisT
Biannka has been a dedicated student of Ashtanga yoga since 2011 and has been teaching since 2015. Finding the practice of Ashtanga yoga transformed her life bringing much healing, calm, self-acceptance and an amazingly supportive community.
“At the time I found Ashtanga yoga, I was living in Kalgoorlie, WA and had travelled to Dunsborough for a raw food and yoga retreat. I was really looking for something to help me even out high levels of anxiety, intermittent bouts of depression and a way where I could learn to accept myself. After my first class, I felt such a deep sense of ease and trust within myself and I’ve never stopped practising”.
Biannka has travelled to the home of Ashtanga yoga in Mysore, India on three extended trips to practice with the late Sri R. Sharath Jois. Biannka continues to travel to India to practice at Sharath Yoga Centre. Biannka has studied with teachers in many parts of the world however her primary teacher, Allison Dearling, lives just down the road in Townsville at Live and Breathe Yoga. Biannka is a Gestalt Psychotherapist and works in private practice specialising in couples therapy and the art of change and transformation. You can find out more here. Biannka also holds a Masters in International Community Development, and a Bachelor of Arts (Politics) which also filter into her world view.
“Practising Ashtanga yoga is by far the most empowering thing I have done for myself in my life. Practising is what I do to nourish myself”.